Runner with a photography problem

Alaskan {runner, swimmer, SUP'er, surfer, cyclist, hiker, backpacker, traveler, snowboarder} with a photography problem...



Thursday, August 21, 2014

Alaska Hiking: The Ramp via Hidden Lake

Trail run loop from Glen Alps trailhead - powerline pass - cross 2nd bridge - stay left and work your way up ridgeline to Hidden Lake - Traverse ridges with spectacular views all the way to the Ramp summit. From the Ramp, you could easily bag the Wedge (across Ship Lake Pass heading back toward powerline) in the same day (we ran out of time, though). We ran back down the Ship Lake Pass side and back out via powerline. Still in honeymoon phase with Alaska, and as usual, I remain in complete awe of the adventures you can have right out the back door up here! This one is not to be missed!

The Ramp: elevation 5,240 feet
Loop distance: about 11 miles

view from the summit of the Ramp, overlooking Ship Lake
overlooking Hidden Lake
classic Kiesel, texting while atop the mountain

ridge above Hidden Lake

Hidden Lake
Ship Lake Pass

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Alaska Hiking: Kesugi Ridge

My new favorite trail in all of Alaska, Kesugi ridge offers 30 miles of a stunning ridgeline traverse with near constant views of Denali. There are several spots to jump on/off the trail to make it shorter, and aside from 45 minutes or so of ascending initially, it's relatively flat when going from north to south. We did the section from Little Coal Creek-Ermine Hill, pictured below.

Link to trail map

You could easily make a weekend backpack trip out of it, but we wanted to try and run the whole thing. I did this trail back in June (2014) with my friend Matt. We got a bit of a late start and had some injury mishaps, including Matt's IT band locking up and me post-holing through snow into a rock and spraining my ankle! When we got to the road, our hitch-hiking quest to get back to the car was less than successful (largely due to Matt's pink hippie pants, I would say) which added on some extra distance to an already long day. But once we finally got a ride, nothing could beat the feeling of camping chairs and beer in the sun at the trailhead parking lot. What an incredible day out there!

There's a race here every September- I'm doing it in 2015! Anyone want to join?


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Summer of SUP: Portage Lake

Portage Lake, Alaska
I remember when you could walk on Portage glacier directly from the visitor center! Now you have to take a boat just to get a glimpse of it - or for the adventurous - kayak or SUP out to it! 

The below photos are from a July stand-up-paddleboard trip from the north side of the lake parking lot (across the lake from the boat launch) out to Portage glacier. It took us over an hour to get to the glacier, with lots of photo breaks :) This lake can get windy, but on a calmer day it provided a beautiful SUP environment - just watch out for icebergs!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Alaska Hiking: Williwaw Lakes via Ballpark/False O'Malley

Run done in July 2014: Glen Alps trailhead - Little O'Malley summit - down to ballpark - Black Lake - Williwaw Lakes - and back!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Alaska Hiking: O'Malley Peak

O'Malley peak: a new favorite in the Anchorage front range. Did this one back in June - we headed up and down the scree slope as opposed to hiking in via the ridgeline, with some amazing views the whole way!

Elevation: 5,184 feet
Distance: 4 miles RT

More info:
This link describes hiking out towards Williwaw Lakes. Once you come to the first (small) glacial lake near the end of the Ballpark, turn right and head up the scree to summit O'Malley.

heading across the Ballpark

climbing up the scree slope